UMBC class of 2022
Environmental Science and Geography (B.S.)
Geographic Information Science (Certificate)
This project examines the relationship between contract rent and major crimes, such as homicide, shooting, robbery, and aggravated assault in Baltimore City. The Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient Test was used to determine whether a relationship exists. It suggests that average contract rent positively correlated with the number of crimes committed in that tract (p-value < 2.2e-16), and to a lesser extent, with the number of crimes committed per unit area of that tract (p-value = 0.01398).
Rent estimates are from the American Community Survey 5-year dataset for Baltimore City tracts from 2015-2019. Crime point data are from the City of Baltimore’s ‘Open Baltimore’ data catalogue. The analysis and figures were done in R with packages like tidycensus, tidyverse, tigris, sf and ggplot2. Complete R code and walkthrough can be found here, along with additional discussion.